July 4 Fun Race

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
9:00 am


Event Location:
Merrick Center


The Fun Race is always FUN!

This long-standing tradition is a highlighht of our 4th of July celebrations! The emphasis of this race is simple... get families out on the water having fun together! The Fun Race welcomes all sailors and sailboats, no matter their age!, on an adventure around Herring Island. 

This year's race is on July 4th (Monday) with everyone meeting up at the Merrick Center at 9:00 am for Registration, Coffee and Doughnuts. Racing, conditions permitting, is expected to start around 9:30.

ALL classes of sailboats are welome and will be handicapped (some, or a lot). Remember, boats with kids aboard always have an advantage! Larger participating boats are encouraged to welcome aboard additional crew.. including novices both young and old. 

Please make sure to register and we hope to see you on the water!