Our senior membership competes in our twice-weekly intra-club series. The one-design racing is currently held in Marshall Sanderlings and Sandpipers, traditional gaff-rigged catboats whose shoal draft centerboard designs are ideally suited for our shallow waters. BHYC also maintains a fleet of 12 Club-owned Turbo Tech dinghies, which are available for use by all members, at their pleasure.
BHYC is a founding member of the Barnegat Bay Yacht Racing Association, which has provided championship caliber one-design racing since 1914. The protected waters of Barnegat Bay and its reliable summer sea-breeze have produced some of the finest small boat sailors anywhere in the world. BHYC proudly displays close to 200 BBYRA championship flags in our historic Ballroom.
Thanks to strong Club support, BHYC's Junior Sailing program is among the strongest in the country. Our sailors have fun, learn a lot and develop friendships to last a lifetime.
With such a robust and active sailing fleet, ranging from the classic Optimist to historic catboats to modern scows, the BHYC burgee can be spotted at regattas around the country and around the world. Abroad, our membership has carried our burgee to the Caribbean, England, Scandinavia and the Mediterranean while enjoying cruising or racing, with or against, sailing's very best.